Starting 2015 at The Kayana Seminyak, Bali!

Hello everyone! Sorry for the very very long hiatus since the last quarter of 2014. I’ve been caught up with a new website (which I will blog about soon too!) and busy with all the spring cleaning for the upcoming new year! I locked down the site a couple of days ago to do a…

[Movie review] RED 2

If you liked the first installment of RED, you’ll probably take a liking to it’s latest sequel, RED 2. Packed with slyness, adrenaline and occasionally with a tinge of humour, this is perhaps not too bad a way to wind down after a day at work. Thanks to the peeps from and Shaw Online,…

N95 masks vs surgical masks?

So thanks to the forest fires in neighbouring Indonesia, Singapore is experiencing one of it’s worst weeks with the highest ever PSI ever recorded in history. It doesn’t help when senseless remarks are made saying we are childish and tizzy over what some people perceive as a “domestic issue”, and that we did not make…

[Movie review] Man of Steel

I caught the latest blockbuster super-hero movie – Man of Steel – recently when it screened in local cinemas. I’m not a huge fan of Superman, and I must say I have mixed reviews of this latest film. Synopsis: A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As…